23rd-Aug -24th Aug,2012 Sands Kalutara , A time with my classmates- (1968 to 1981)

I had the best time in my life, in a long time with 14 other Girls who set off on a journey to Sands , Kalutara. It began with a nice ride from Colombo in a air conditioned, spacious bus which my friend Sabrina Jayah had organized for us! She had painstakingly gone into all the details and made sure we were comfortable.
She had organized games- (I was sort of responsible for that),  a gift exchange (we had to buy gifts worth a certain amount of money and then draw lots to see who get's who's- intriguing right?)
We all set -off around 2.30pm in the afternoon and were at Sands in time for Tea.
We welcomed by the ever so friendly smiling Sri Lankan lasses and to our surprise a few Balinese lasses too!
Then came Mr Ratwatte himself to personally oversee our room allocations (which again Sabrina had given us girls to instructions to chose our own room-mates in either doubles or triples and let her know).So all that was sorted ahead of time,  we got electronic keys to our rooms and without further ado...we sat down to enjoy some canopies and juice(laced with some local alcohol). Ah someone thought of butter cake at that moment and just like magic....we were then invited to go downstairs to enjoy more goodies- sandwiches and of course butter cake , tea coffee etc... we lounged around and as it was an hot afternoon we decide we will laze around on the beach ....(what do you call them, i am lost). Then me thoughts it was nice to play some, no action games- only just mind boggling...some were ticked off, others sighed but then Saby got them all tuned in on it and our animator Sugath....did the honors of setting the rules and dividing the teams. The games(it was not perfectly constructed , some minor flaws existed ) got underway and oh boy !
Didn't some of us dig deep into our grey matter and finally enjoy it and even win!

I will post the pictures for you to see first hand! Enjoy the pics...I will go to the evening of 23rd Aug 2012 on the 2nd post!

 The Winners!

The 1st runner's- up
 The 2nd Runner's -up


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