Power in the utterance of word's


Some people in the Christian circles have got it into their belief system that if we state the actual situation or describe something that is terrible just the way it is, that it is  negative communication !

Do not speak the words they say! How else were you to narrate a story or talk about the way you feel about something in real terms? 

They seem to think that by mentioning the thing or reason for something weird that has happened to us, will influence the situation at hand to the extent of it being  like a curse! That it was bound to happen!

Have people told you."don't say you are sick, then you'll become sick. Instead say,  you are healed, then you will be healed!"

So this happened to me recently:

Just yesterday I spoke to a friend who follows J F's healing meetings and goes to them.
I said I was happy people are returning to the mainline Church because of the wrong teaching they are receiving there and their allegiance to God rather than J. I  also  said ;"J's Church has now become a cult and with U A, he has gone away from the truth!
She said I will be very careful in what I say- she was mentioning the power of words, 

And I had to clarify this with a very well-known Bible teacher and preacher. I wrote and asked as above!
So she was in other words talking of her allegiance to J! This power of the words we speak, is there such power, I think I remember God said not to swear, let yr yes be a yes, beyond that ..am not sure.
So do let me know yr take on this.

His answer was very simple:

There is an unbiblical, 

magical understanding of words,  among

many Christians today,


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