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It was bedtime for Cuddly. Mimi his one year old baby sister was already asleep.

“Mummy, will you tell me that story?’’ yawned Cuddly. The one about the big white bear on Snow Mountain? “Okay Cuddly, but you must go to sleep soon after, alright? Cuddly nodded but even before she got to the part where baby bear slid down the slope, Cuddly was asleep.

Mummy bear smiled, tucked Cuddly tightly in his blanket and kissed him goodnight. She turned out the light and tiptoed from the room, closing the door softly behind her.

It was barely morning when a noise disturbed Cuddly. Clink, clank, clink, clank…. Cuddly grumbled sleepily and went back into dream land. Clink, clank, clink, clank...This time the noise was louder and sounded closer. Startled, he sat up in bed.  There it goes again clink, clank, clink, clank!

Cuddly was curious. “What is that?” (He wondered). He heard footsteps close by to his window. He slid quietly off his bed, (Shhh… mustn’t wake baby sister Mimi).

 Cuddly tiptoed to his window and peeped out, and in the faint light of the porch, he saw him! A man was walking up the path to their doorway. He wore a blue cap and coat. And had a metal carrier in his hand. It was full of bottles with some white stuff in them, which went clink clank (as he walked). Cuddly grew more curious, he tip-toed out of his room to the front door.  


He remembered what Mummy bear had told him. Never open the door to strangers. He wasn't going to do that! Instead, Cuddly put his ear against the wooden door and listened. 
There it was again! Clink… And then silence. 

Cuddly ran back to his bedroom window, grabbed the torch and shone it down the path.  The man in blue climbed into a van and drove away, the clink clank sounds grew faint.  Cuddly yawned as he got back in bed ‘I'll ask Mummy Bear in the morning,’ he told himself as he dozed off, with a little snore.

That morning Mummy Bear called out. Wake up Cuddly and Mimi - breakfast is ready. The toast is nice and warm and there's plenty of honey. Cuddly sprang out of bed and gently shook Mimi awake. “Mummy is calling us for breakfast, wake up!” Cuddly carried her off the bed and to the bathroom.

There he squeezed toothpaste, onto their toothbrushes. They brushed their teeth while looking into the mirror. Cuddly sang "This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth, this the way we brush our teeth early in the morning!” Mimi squealed with delight! She just loved it when her big brother sang to her!

They finished washing and changing and ran to the dining room. 

The toast and honey looked delicious, but right next to the creamy dish of butter was a tall glass full of some white stuff! “Mummy what is that?” asked Cuddly. “Oh, that's your fresh milk all warmed up for your sister and you,” said Mummy Bear. “But Mummy, I thought milk comes in cartons!” Cuddly replied.

Pappa bear looked up from his newspaper. “Yes, Cuddly, you’re right, we used to buy the milk in cartons but fresh milk in bottles is delicious and better for our health and it helps Farmer Joe to sell his milk fast.

Pappa bear, looked out the wide window and pointed towards the meadow near the backyard.  He said, “Look, there they are! Farmer Joe's milk cows grazing on the meadows. They are enjoying the fresh green grass, you’ll find more of them by the stream.” Cuddly quickly got up and ran to the window to take a look.

 “It all makes sense now!  “That is one mystery solved Pappa!” Cuddly exclaimed! “Now I know I wasn't dreaming.” That noise was Farmer Joe’s milk bottles going clink, clank, clink, clank all week!

The field

The sun had come up from behind the clouds and was warming up the front porch.  “What are you planning to do today?” asked Mummy.  “Hmmm Mummy, it seems like a great day for a walk by the stream,” said Cuddly. “Yes indeed,” said Mummy, “but wait till it gets a little warmer and don’t forget to wear your coat. How about asking Poppy along?” she asked. (Poppy the kangaroo was Cuddly's best friend).

 “It's Saturday, Mummy! Poppy never gets up this early.” said Cuddly.

Cuddly took his coat off the hook behind the door and stepped out.  “Don't go too far,” called out Mummy. “Okay, I won’t,” said Cuddly. 

Mrs Woody the Woodpecker was perched on the porch rail. “Where are you off to,” she chirped.  Cuddly pointing in the direction of the backyard, said “to the pond.” “May I fly along with you then,” chirped Mrs. Woody. “Okay,” said Cuddly. Mrs Woody flew quietly behind Cuddly as he wandered down the path now and then pretending to be a plane. Running in a zig-zag pattern with his arms stretched out while dragonflies flew swiftly across his path. Mrs. Woody was very amused to see this carefree Cuddly enjoying himself so much! 


sweet violets

Soon he spotted his friends. Starry the tortoise was munching on some fresh grass and Bunny was eating some juicy carrots in his front yard. The grasshopper family were out and about too as it was now quite sunny. They all waved and said, “Good morning Cuddly!” 

“Good morning to you all,” replied Cuddly as he paused to look at farmer Joe’s cows grazing in his field by the stream.  They were eating the lovely green grass. Cuddly remembered what Pappa bear had just told him about the fresh milk that farmer Joe got straight from the happy cows grazing here. “Hello there cows.” he said. “Mooo” they replied.


Cuddly could see his new friend Ciggy, the swan, so white and beautiful, gliding gracefully across the pond. Molly the duck was quacking loudly at her babies to wake up. Molly's friend Max was trying to help. Cuddly smiled, it’s going to be a lovely Saturday he thought. 

He walked onto the bridge and stopped to look at the tiny fish in the clean water. As he watched he saw the otter family, mummy otter and her three babies, play slip and slide down the riverbank and chase each other up and down the stream.

king cup marsh


Molly was still trying to wake up the babies as Max waddled down to the water to join Ciggy.

Cuddly thought he heard a faint mew. He turned his head towards the faint noise. “Did you hear that, Molly?” he asked. Molly stopped leading her ducklings to the pond and listened, “Yes, there! I hear a mew.”

Cuddly spotted Poppy (in her bright red scarf) at the other end of the bridge. She was peering down the bank looking confused. Cuddly and Molly joined her. "Can you hear mewing too?" they asked.


"Yes, I think so," said Poppy. "Meeow" "There, down there," Cuddly pointed excitedly. They all scrambled down the bank. “Is that a little kitty? Oh, it’s all wet and cold. How do we get it out?” Cuddly asked Poppy.

Let's ask Ciggy to help us, said Poppy. “Ciggy can you swim under the bridge and push the kitty up the bank?” asked Cuddly. “Yes, I can.” said Ciggy gliding slowly up to the kitten. “It's stuck in the reeds under the bridge” The mother otter gave kitty a nudge so she could untangle herself. 

  Wild Iris                                                              

Ciggy looked under with his long neck while Poppy reassured kitty. “Kitty don’t you worry, we will get you out safely.” “Kitty, trust Ciggy ok?” The kitten let out another loud mew, as it almost slipped into the water but Ciggy quickly scooped kitty up with his large beak. And placed it safely into Cuddly's hands. Cuddly held it close to his chest and calmed it. He removed his coat and wrapped it around the shivering kitten. 

 “What’s your name, little Kitty,” Poppy asked. “My name is Miu and I’m lost.” said kitty. “Öh! Don’t be afraid, said Poppy, “we will all take care of you.”

Everyone sat around Cuddly.  The seven ducklings and Max had joined them too. Mrs. Woody was sitting on a branch watching everything. They were all curious about Miu. They thought it was quite a mystery to find a kitten so far away from home. 

“Little kitty,” said Cuddly. “Miu!” prompted Poppy. “But just how did you get here?” asked Cuddly. “I went for a walk last evening with my mummy, replied Miu. “My mummy's name is Goldie.”  “We were walking along a pathway, when we heard a loud screech.” “I got scared and I just ran away from the noise.” “When I looked back I only saw large black wheels and I was afraid.” “I meowed loudly so mummy could hear me” “I waited and waited but mummy didn’t come!” “I was afraid because I didn’t know how to get back home!” “I think I walked further away.” “Then it grew dark and I didn’t know where mummy was.” “I me0wed even louder but no one came.” Miu looked so sad.

“Oh dear!” said Cuddly, “What could have happened to Mummy Cat, Goldie?” Poppy quickly said, “I’m sure she ran in another direction, away from the screeching noise and accidently away from you.” “That's why you couldn’t find her.” “Yes,” said Miu softly. “I think that was what happened.” “There was a patch of dry grass which was soft so I sat on it to rest and I think I fell asleep.”

“I only woke up when the sun came up and warmed me.” “I thought if I walked back slowly, I would find Mummy.” “But I slipped and fell in the stream while crossing this bridge.” 

“I knew I had to mew as loudly as I could and I did.” said Miu proudly. “That's how you found me!”

“You are brave little Miu.” said Cuddly, giving her a hug. “Don't be afraid, I’m Cuddly, this is Poppy, we’ll take you home and take care of you.” “I am sure my Mummy and Pappa Bear will help you find your Mummy.”

Ciggy and Max were listening and Max said, “Miu we will help you find your Mother too!” Mrs Woody said, “I’ll help too and I will tell the neighbourhood patrol to look out for your Mummy.

“I’m glad we were walking here.” said Poppy. “Me too.” said Cuddly. “Let’s hurry home.”

Molly and the seven little ducklings led the way back slowly to Cuddly's house. Cuddly carried Miu, and Poppy walked beside him, patting Miu's head (as they walked).

Soon they were at Cuddly's house. Mimi came bounding out when she saw Cuddly. “Mimi, we have a visitor,” he said opening his coat and showing Miu to her. Mimi peeked at Miu, “You can stroke her gently,” said Poppy.

Saturday was Pappa Bear’s turn to cook lunch. Mummy Bear was in the kitchen helping him. “What have we here!” said Mummy bear as Mimi made excited noises and pointed to Cuddly's coat! A little face peeped out from inside his coat.  Cuddly told Mummy bear, the whole story. “Goodness, poor little kitty,” said Mummy. “Let’s get her a soft bed.” 

Mummy Bear brought a soft towel and a basket. She asked Poppy to give Miu a good rub down and to put her in the basket. Then she brought out a small saucer of warm milk for Miu and crackers and juice for everyone else. Poppy helped Mummy Bear serve the crackers and juice while Miu hungrily lapped up the warm milk. The ducklings snapped up the crackers in no time and there was nothing much left for the rest of them.

“We should search for mother cat right away.” said Mummy Bear.  She told Cuddly and Poppy, that Miu was too small and needed her mother. Poppy gently stroked Miu while she slept in the basket. She called out to Pappa, “I’m going with Cuddly and Poppy to look for the mother cat. Molly and Max and the ducklings will stay with Mimi. Is that OK, Pappa Bear?” 

The sound of the pressure cooker boiling the corn almost drowned Pappa Bear's voice. “Yes Mummy Bear, it's best that you go soon. The mother cat may need help,’’ said Pappa Bear.

Miu slept soundly in her little basket. She had drunk up all the warm milk. She was safe with Pappa Bear and his helpers, Mummy Duck Molly, her seven ducklings, Max and Starry keeping watch over her.

 Mrs. Woody had done her duty.  The neighbourhood patrol had also been informed. Mummy Bear, Cuddly, Poppy and Ciggy set out to find mother cat. 

Mr. Kingfisher, Ciggy’s friend also joined the rescue party and flew with Mrs. Woody who was leading them into the woodlands where Miu said she had been walking! Bunny hopped along with the others. 

As Mrs. Woody and Mr. Kingfisher flew over the woodlands, Mrs. Woody noticed something moving in the tall grass. She perched on a tree and called out to Cuddly, “I think you should come this way. I saw something move.” Cuddly stood up on tiptoe and looked around. S0 did Poppy. Could that be Goldie running away from us?” She must be afraid,” she said. What shall we do?” asked Poppy.

Cuddly had a bright idea! “Mrs. Woody, please fly ahead to the spot where you saw Goldie. If you spot her, call out to Goldie.” Everyone agreed that it was a brilliant plan. Mr. Kingfisher said he would assist Mrs. Woody. They both flew around and scanned the spot when Mrs. Woody suddenly spotted Goldie just beyond and called out to her. “Goldie, don’t be afraid, we have come to help you!” Goldie looked nervous. “Who are you,” she asked them. “I'm Cuddly, these are my friends and that is my Mummy Bear. We have been looking all over for you,” said Cuddly. “Please don’t be scared - we found your baby Miu near the pond. She's at my home waiting for you.                                         Please come with us, she’ll be so happy to see you!


  Turning around and beckoning to the rest of the rescue party,   Cuddly said, “Come on everyone, let’s get home right away.”   Goldie, looked very tired as she walked up to them. Then   Mummy Bear picked her up and followed Cuddly.

 They had just reached the roadway when Cuddly heard a very   familiar noise, Clink, clank, clink, clank! Mummy Bear stuck her hand out and waved, “Yoo- hoo Farmer Joe, could you help us please?” Farmer Joe stopped his blue van which said M-I-L-k on top. “We really need a ride back home. We are all so tired.” said Mummy Bear loudly.

“Ofcourse!” said Farmer Joe. “Hop on fellas. I’ll give you a ride back.” 

Cuddly carefully helped Mummy bear who was carrying the very weary Goldie to the front seat of the van. “Is there room for me too in the front seat?” Poppy asked Farmer Joe. “Yes there's plenty of room. Please jump in, Poppy.’’

The rest of the rescue team found different spots to hang onto for the ride back home, Mr. Kingfisher too. Ciggy and Mrs Woody perched on top of the bottles. And Cuddly stood on the side step with Bunny. 

“All set then?” Farmer Joe asked. “Yes,” they all called back in unison. “Then, off we go!” said Farmer Joe. Mummy Bear explained to Farmer Joe about the rescue mission. "That's amazing.” he said. “I’m so glad I can help too.”

“Phew! What a big relief that we found Goldie! It's been a tiring but successful day after all. Two rescues in a row!” said Cuddly to Poppy who was seated next to the van door.

Pappa Bear was waiting on the steps. The whole neighbourhood had gathered to wait for them too. Even Mrs. Badger had come! Poppy and Cuddly waved excitedly, “We found Goldie they shouted.” Pappa Bear beamed and everyone clapped.

Cuddly helped Mamma Bear out of the Van. Goldie jumped out and ran to the basket where Miu was still sound sleep. She gave Miu a warm kiss and purred joyfully. Miu woke up and hugged her Mother! What a great reunion. Everyone was pleased. They all gathered around Miu's basket.

“Thank you everyone said Goldie gratefully. Miu and I really don’t know what we can say. We are so thankful to all of you.” Goldie hugged all of them.

“Let’s eat!” said Pappa Bear.  He brought out the corn and laid it on the garden table. Farmer Joe unloaded some freshly plucked apples and more milk! Mummy Bear got juice and crackers for the others and warm milk for Goldie.

Everyone tucked into the food and milk and juice happily. It was just like Cuddy and Poppy's tea party, but this time the Oak tree garden neighbours were celebrating Miu's rescue and reunion with her mother Goldie.

Cuddly and Poppy were very pleased.

What a great Saturday it had turned out to be.


Fairlop Waters, Redbridge, London

The End


It may not always be easy for you when you want to help and care for others. Still, it would be good to choose to love and care, just like Cuddly and Poppy and their friends did when they saved Miu and reunited her with her mummy. 

That is what being kind and caring is all about!

Miu enjoying herself back in her home with her human friends!




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