Tribute to Anusha for her 60th birthday Celebrations

Reminiscing on our friendship & here’s me
wishing you the very best on your 60th Birthday!
When I seemed lost and alone
You stumbled on me
And it was perfect timing.
I needed a friend
Someone to believe in me
There you were, waiting, smilingly with open arms
To welcome me into your life
Offering friendship, sisterly love
And cheer to brighten my life

We chatted into the night
Shared all our dreams and fears
It seems only like yesterday
I was 17, you were 22!
Age didn't seem to matter
You were that big sister
I didn't have!

It seemed like we sailed the same oceans and docked at the same ports
For we understood each other’s thoughts and even the pain
There were times when we cried together
Were silly together -sharing about those little flickers
That coloured our lives
And watched as those
We yearned for,
Walked away

And then like a breath of fresh air
Came new loves and dreams
We discussed it till the cows came home
And locked those secrets away forever.
Such was life!
Anu, it was you who taught me
To find
Joy in trials and to smile
Sing to our hearts content
And not to worry
About the opinion of others
Anu, you taught me about self -worth
And to behave like the daughter of
The King of kings!
I hold you in my heart with love always
And wish you more joy
More peace
Quiet love and more friends
As these 60 years prove you have so much more to give
To enrich
To discover
In you and in others
So my friend,
In your own words
Enjoy this journey
And be the colour palette and
rainbow that other people need along the way
May you be that beacon
Lighting up the world with your smile!

                                                        GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY ANU!
Lub you loads and loads,
(I turned out ok,
Because of you)!

Milinda & Avanthi


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