Am I re-living my teens and twenties?- just a thought!


Just this morning, while I was musing over recent events , I realized there was a change in me and 
this song came into my mind. I remember choosing this song as a theme song for my 50th birthday...remembering every person who did something for me to make my life more meaningful, bearable and full!

"You Decorated My Life" by Kenny Roger's

All my life was a paper
What's plain, pure and white
Till the balance was right
Till you moved with your pen
Changing mood now and then
Then you added some music
Every note was in place
And anybody could see
All the changes in me
By the look on my face
And you decorated my life
Created a world where dreams are apart
And you decorated my life
By painting your love all over my heart

You decorated my life
Like a rhyme with no reason
And an unfinished song
There was no harmony
Life meant nothing to me
Until you came along
Then you came along
Then you brought out the colors
What a gentle surprise
How I'm able to see all the things life can be
Shining soft in your eyes 

It also reminded me of the many silly things I did and of l love that filled my heart .
 There also those thoughts that came  crashing like the infatuations and the feelings related to  rejection and those anxious moments..
the hopelessness and sometimes desperation...! And then the calm.....thoughts of assurance and peace ...the positive thoughts and feelings that come with words of  encouragement that were spoken to me by my confidants!


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