Farewell to Union Bank 13th Sep 2017


My Speech for 13.09.2017 

I want to say a big thank-you to the organizer’s of this truly memorable evening, Kanchana and Suchethana and all the other’s behind the scene. Thank you to my present and past superiors, member’s of the management: 

Mr. Indrajit Wickremesinghe, our Director /CEO;

 Mr. Ravi Jayasekera, VP-HR;

Mr. Ganendran, VP-Operations,

 Ms. Chaya Jayawardena,  VP -Retail,

my current boss, Malinda Perera; Indrica Hannan, Manisha Fernando, my dear colleagues and all my friends. 

I deeply appreciate all of you for being here. For taking time off your busy schedules and making this farewell a priority, even though it is in the middle of a busy work-week.


Union Bank is special to me because I was privileged to have joined the start-up Team to help set-up the Bank. I must mention that the Bank was set-up in hard times, a dull financial market was the order of the day and it was a very difficult time in the country and in my personal life. There was very little opportunity. In this scenario, I still remember I had given my cv about 2 months before I was called for an interview and was offered the job the same day in Feb 1995. 

The memories are fresh in my mind, it’s almost like yesterday! This was an opportunity to thank and praise my God for His guidance and providence. God has been my source of strength throughout my Banking career. I believe I was providentially placed here. 

In my minds eye I see a young energetic me, walking into the World trade Centre with a heart full and with much eagerness and I leave today too in the same way but richer for the experience of work, life and friendships made along these 22yrs.

My journey was a positive but also a challenging experience. I would reckon that it sometimes felt like I was partying, and at other times like a ship in stormy weather. 

But that is also what made it special and memorable. These 22 years went by very fast. Every memory is fresh. I remember the first day some of you reported to work!

I have learnt so much from each of you, specially everyone of you who were on my team  at Head Office, Kotahena Br, HO Branch, Nawala Br, Wellawatte Br, Nugegoda BR and Departments-, WU and SQM and now retail. 

If I have any advice to give to those of you who have many more lovely years ahead of you in UNION BANK, it is, to love what you do, work with passion, work for yourself first, then for the Bank. Make every minute count. Then your time at work isn’t wasted.

  •  Mentor the younger generation who are under you. 
  • Teach always. 
  • Serve your customers in all humility.
  •  Share your expertise and knowledge with flare and perfection.
  • In summary- Train, motivate and teach & mentor the staff in your team.

I’ve had the privilege of working with 5 different CEO’s/2-Acting CEO’s during my tenure. Each of them brought a different dimension to my own career. I want to  specially thank the present management of Union Bank for the fruitful and fulfilling 3 years under them. Your promise to the staff was that you will indeed make Union Bank a great place to work. So in keeping with this, I wish to thank you for the recognition accorded to me for 20years of dedicated service to the Bank. And for believing in me and my ability and recognizing my efforts and awarding me the post of Senior Manager. I will always be grateful to you for the effort and the extent the management has gone to into to change the Bank’s course and personally my own career. Union Bank stood out as an innovative Bank way back in 1995 and it is still the same! We were innovator’s then and we are innovators now.

Once again, let me take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you here present and make a wish, that your journey too will be one of fulfilment and wonderful memories of a great career and journey in life.

May Union Bank prosper to greater heights, achieve it’s vision and goals and be the leader in the Banking world in Sri-Lanka and also show the rest of the world it’s resilience, capability and ingenuity.


 My Farewell note to Management

From: Angela Seneviratne
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2017 11:44 AM
Subject: Am retiring from Union Bank's service after 22yrs!


Dear Mr Indrajit Wickramasinghe, Members of the Senior  Management, my colleagues and staff,


There is a time for everything in this world...and so it's time to say adieu to you.

I will be taking a few days off and then bidding  good -bye to you on the 13th of Sep 2017.


Union Bank has been my second home for that many years. I've gained much more knowledge of Banking, people and life as a whole. I have also made many life-long friends and mentored many who have their own success stories to tell.


I am very grateful for your contribution to my career in Union Bank and for your guidance and  gracious support always.


There may have been moments when I may have not seen eye to eye with you but let me assure you that it was not intended personally and  it was always because it was a greater benefit to us as staff or the team or the Bank.


Considering all, I can confidently say that it has been in totality an awesome experience, not forgetting the "adventurous moments " ( which I didn't succumb to), and the many marvellous trips and outings and matches.

My life is richer because of it!


Therefore let me take this opportunity to thank our Dir/CEO &  the Members of  the Senior Management and each and everyone of you for being an integral  part of my rich career at Union Bank.


May you keep the UB Flag flying, wherever you are and work diligently towards achieving our Vision, Mission and Goals.


I bid you farewell and wish you a  successful and balanced life.


Keep smiling and make the rest of your life the best of your life.


Best regards,

Angela E. Seneviratne
Senior Manager- Service Quality Management
Union Bank of Colombo PLC,
64, Galle Rd, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
T : 94(11)2374100 (Ext. 2687)
F : 94(11)2370593
M: 94768224618
E: angela@unionb.com

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A comment!'
From: Nilmini Weerasekara
Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2017 12:28 PM
To: Angela Seneviratne
Subject: RE: Am retiring from Union Bank's service after 22yrs!

Dear Angie,


So well said Angie, you set all of us a very good example being so cheerful no matter what! I can try and try still cannot be so cheerful, easy going and jolly person like you!


We have been close for the past 22 years and we’ll stay in touch the rest of our lives!

Afterall we have so many good memories of our younger days at UBC, our children …………………………..etc. etc.

So much we have shared and lot more to be shared in the coming years!


Wish you good luck and happiness always!


Gonna miss you a lot!










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