Cuddly & Poppy's Holiday by the sea & Cuddly & Poppy's last adventure

It was a cold and misty Friday evening. Mummy and Daddy bear sat on the porch with their children and all their friends, sharing hot chocolate.

"Daddy, what time do we have to leave home tomorrow." asked Cuddly. "We should leave by 7am." said Daddy Bear. "The taxi will be here right on time," said Mummy bear. 

“I better go and finish my packing!” exclaimed Poppy. “Oh, wait a little more Poppy. Finish your hot chocolate,” said Cuddly and all the others agreed. Everyone had come to say goodbye to the family before they left on their holiday.

I’m sure Cuddly, Mimi and Poppy are going to have a lot of fun in Sri Lanka,” Mrs. Woody chirped. "Imagine going on an aeroplane," said Bunny excitedly

 "Isn't it Mimi's first time?" said the badger babies (who were now quite grown-up),"Yes, ours too," said Cuddly and Poppy together.

"Are you going to miss us?" Asked Poppy. "Yes we will miss you!" said Starry and the ducks who had been quiet all this time.

 "We will miss you walking by the pond in the afternoons." said Ciggy.

The only one's missing were Goldie and Miu. They had gone back to the city to visit their family. Ah! And the otters who were too busy swimming and playing slip and slide as usual.

"It's getting chilly out here, it's time to go back home, right children" said Mummy Bear picking up Mimi and wrapping her up in a blanket. One by one everyone hugged Cuddly and Poppy and went on their way. “I'm all excited, Cuddly! I'll see you before 7am tomorrow,” said Poppy and gave Cuddly a big hug. She knew this holiday abroad was going to be special.


The next morning Daddy Bear was up very early. "Mummy, it's time, let's load up the taxi!" said Daddy. "Can you hear me children?"

"I'm coming as fast as I can, Daddy." Cuddly scrambled as fast as he could with his 'wheely bag,' stopping to check if he had locked it. He ran to the taxi and quickly put the luggage in. The driver moved it around to make room for more bags. Cuddly ran back again into the house and as he ran he shouted out loud to Poppy, "Hey Poppy, it's time to go!"

"Please put your coat on Mimi and pick up that toy." said Mummy. Cuddly looked at Mimi as she laughed and squealed with delight. It was Mimi's first holiday away from home.

"Let's go Mimi, or we'll be late! Mummy, I'll help you carry Mimi's luggage.'' said Cuddly.  "Yes, can you take both these bags please, I will bring Mimi." said Mummy.

Daddy called out again, this time from outside. "It's time my dears, hurry up, we have a flight to catch." Cuddly saw Poppy and Kyrie her little brother hurrying across with their parents.

"Happy holidays, Cuddly! Take good care of Poppy." said Mummy Kangaroo winding Poppy's red scarf around her neck and helping her with the backpack.

 "Yes, Mrs. Kangaroo, I will, said Cuddly.  "Don't worry!" "We will miss you Poppy, don't forget to call us everyday.'' said Daddy Kangaroo. Mummy Kangaroo was looking a little anxious too as this was Poppy's first holiday away from home and her little brother Kyrie.

Poppy ran back and gave Kyrie another kiss and a hug and said, "Don't miss me too much. I will be back soon."


Soon Mimi was sitting comfortably in her car seat between Cuddly and Poppy. Mummy Bear sat with Daddy Bear right in front of them.

Suddenly, Cuddly and Poppy saw all their friends lined up on one side of the road waving goodbye to them. They waved back too. Bunny and Starry were standing together, holding a banner! It said "Have fun in Sri Lanka!" (Art work idea- friends on one side of the road as the van leaves).

The Taxi drove out of the woods and onto the highway to take them to the airport! The friends/Cuddly and Poppy/ continued to wave excitedly at all their neighbours and Farmer Joe’s cow too!


 "Are we there yet?" Mimi shouted and everyone laughed!  "No darling Mimi, it will take us forty five minutes to get to the airport.  And if all goes well, at least 11 hours to get to Sri Lanka." said Daddy. "That sounds like a long, long time Daddy!" she said and yawned. "Mimi, do you know that we will be flying about 5,415 miles away from home." asked Daddy. And Mimi shook her head. Daddy was trying to help Mimi understand that it was a long flight.  "Don't worry there will be a nice movie or two that you can watch on the flight, and then time will surely fly!" Mummy reassured her.

"Let me take out my list." said Poppy and pulled out a long list of things to do and started reading it out loud to Mimi. "I'm excited, aren't you? Soon we will be doing all these things, Mimi." she said.

Turning to Cuddly she added, "Aren't you excited, we have a lot to do, right Cuddly? I hope we get to tick off everything." said Poppy. "I'm sure we will be able to do that, Poppy. We just need to be patient," said Cuddly.

"I want to go to the beach soon, I want to play with my spade and bucket and flags! I'm going to build a sand castle. Will you all help me?" said Mimi. "We will help you silly, we will be there too!" said Mummy, Daddy, Cuddly and Poppy, all at the same time. Mimi was very pleased.


They arrived at the airport on time. Daddy Bear and the driver unloaded the luggage while Mummy bear got Mimi out of the car seat.

 "Mummy, shall I get that trolley," said Cuddly. "Yes please, push it closer so that Daddy can load our luggage. Daddy Bear paid the Taxi driver and gave him a good tip as he was very helpful and courteous. He then turned to us and said, “Children, “Can you see how crowded this airport is? You must stay together and stick close to us.”


"Yes Daddy," said Cuddly and Mimi together. Yes, Uncle Bear,” said Poppy, I know we can get lost easily, we will stay close together”

Now follow me to the check-in counter," said Daddy. Mummy made sure she held Mimi's hand firmly in hers and walked towards the check-in counter.

The rest was easy, Daddy Bear had all their passports and they went through the immigration counter quickly to the boarding area. They only had a little while to wait. All sat down and Mummy Bear gave the children a few packs of juice. They sipped their drink and looked around in excitement at everything happening around them.


There was a loud announcement that boarding had started. Daddy and Mummy Bears guided the children to the gate and handed the boarding passes to the checker before walking into the Air Bridge and onto the plane.

The flight stewardess helped Mimi and Mummy bear find their seats and then helped Cuddly and Poppy to theirs. "Is this my seat," asked Cuddly. “Yes,” she said.  Daddy Bear and put away all their hand luggage. then he stood over Mimi first, then Poppy and finally Cuddly making sure that each child had fastened their seat belts properly. 

Mimi had the window seat and Mummy bear was next to her. She had a good view of the runaway. Daddy bear, Cuddly and Poppy were in the middle row of seats.

 "Daddy, when can I sit near the window," asked Cuddly. "Sometime later Cuddly, once Mimi is settled in. When the seat belt sign comes off, it'll be safe to move around. But let's wait till we have had a snack or two, ok?" said Daddy. It was the first time that both Cuddly and Poppy were on an aeroplane so they wanted to find out exactly how things were done inside the plane.

Poppy was quite pleased to be in the aisle seat for now. "I can take turns with you later, can't I Cuddly?" she asked. Cuddly nodded and settled himself with the headphones.

Cuddly and Poppy heard the voice on the loudspeaker again and watched the flight steward standing ahead and explaining the emergency evacuation drill. Then the stewardesses walked up and down checking if everyone was buckled in.

Just then the captain's friendly voice came on saying. "Hello, this is your captain speaking, "Welcome aboard. We thank-you for flying Indian Pearl Airlines. We expect a smooth flight and anticipate that we will arrive on time in Sri Lanka at 21:00 hours GMT.

Enjoy your flight."


The last warning 'Fasten your seat belt' sign came on and the plane began to taxi on the runaway, slowly at first and then gathering speed. As it took off, it flew straight into the morning sky. Mimi let out a loud squeal! Poppy clapped and Cuddly smiled to himself. They were all so excited, their long awaited overseas holiday had just begun!


Though the sun had come out, the London sky was still overcast. "Can you see our house, Mimi" asked Cuddly. Mimi strained to looked out and said, "Oh no Cuddly, I can’t see anything."  "We are flying through clouds Cuddly." Mummy said.


The stewardesses began wheeling out the food trolleys. "Tea or Coffee," they asked as they moved along. "What will you have?" she asked Mimi. Mimi looked at Mummy Bear questioningly. "Please give her a chicken burger and fries, thank-you." said Mummy Bear. Poppy and Cuddly asked for a club sandwich and enjoyed it very much.


"Mummy can I watch a movie now," asked Mimi. Mummy Bear flipped through the channels and chose Mimi's favourite video. Poppy said, "I want to watch Moana. Cuddly decided he would read his book first.

Several hours passed by and Mummy and Daddy Bear realised that their little munchkins and Poppy were all fast asleep. They decided to let them sleep till it was time to get off the aeroplane!


When they woke up, Cuddly and Poppy saw the other people take their bags from the hold above them." Cuddly, Poppy, it's time to get-off. Please take your coats and your backpacks. Can you move forward slowly with Mummy and do exactly as she says." said Daddy Bear


They all followed Mummy Bear and Mimi slowly and waited for Daddy bear at the end of the Air Bridge in the airport. He got them through the check-out and immigration. The officer said, "Welcome to Sri Lanka, enjoy your holiday," and handed over all the passports to Daddy Bear. They collected their luggage and headed towards the exit.

Daddy Bear said that his business associate would meet and take them to their first hotel.

Cuddly spotted the board which said Daniel Brown and Family! "There he is Daddy," said Cuddly and ran towards him pulling his 'wheely' bag. Poppy walked unhurriedly behind. She was holding Mimi with one hand and her bag with the other. Mummy Bear wheeled Mimi's bags and hers.

They all clambered into the van which was waiting for us. Finally they were off to the seaside! But it was night time already and they couldn't see much of the scenery.

It was past 10pm when they checked into the Governor’s Hotel near the sea. The manager welcomed them as the stewards stood by holding a tray with something unusual.

What’s that Mummy” Mimi asked. All of them looked puzzled. It was an orange almost oval shaped container with a straw! "This is a king coconut drink, freshly cut for you. Here please hold it with both hands and take a sip off the paper straw.” said the steward to Mimi. They all took one each. The drink was yummy and refreshing and they finished it off in a jiffy.


What's that sound? asked Mimi. Poppy said," It sounds like the wind," And they heard it again. Yes indeed it was the wind! But there was more! There was a thud, thud. She listened and looked in the direction of the sound. They saw a balcony and ran out onto it. It was the sound of the waves splashing on the rocks below. Cuddly stood there awestruck! Listening and watching... Daddy and Mummy bear looked around wondering where the children were and saw Cuddly, Poppy and Mimi standing on the balcony as if mesmerised by the frothy and foaming waves, hitting the rocks forcefully.


The steward seeing the look on their faces said, “Don’t worry, it will be alright in the morning. Make sure you come down early to the beach with your parent's. You can collect shells and wade in the shallow water.” “Thank-you, yes, we will,” they said, and ran back to where Mummy and Daddy Bear were waiting.

Cuddly and Poppy were feeling tired and Mimi began to yawn loudly. “Time for bed,” said Mummy. They had 2 rooms with a connecting door and large windows facing the sea. The sound of the rolling waves could be heard even from the room. It was unusual but nice. This is good thought Mummy Bear.

“Cuddly and Mimi you can share this (double) bed, and Poppy you can have your own,” said Mummy. “Is anyone hungry?” asked Daddy. “No?”. They shook their heads sleepily. “Alright children, please brush your teeth and have a warm shower, then pajamas and bed,” said Mummy bear.


“Mummy can you please set the alarm for 7a.m.? We want to go down to the beach early.” said Cuddly. “Yes, ofcourse my dear.” said Mummy smiling at him. “Now, shower and bed as fast you all can.”

Soon, they were all tucked in and fast asleep.


"Rrrrrrrriiiiiinnnng" went the alarm and up they jumped! Cuddly and Poppy sat on their beds wide eyed and a bit unsure! "Where are we?" they both shouted!"


Just then Mummy bear walked into their room. "Wake up babies, it's a brand new day far, far away from home! And looking at their surprised expressions, Mummy said, "Have you forgotten? We are in this beautiful Island, Sri Lanka!"


Both Cuddly and Poppy burst out laughing and that woke up Mimi. "Okay, Okay," chuckled Cuddly followed by Poppy who said, "yes, yes, I thought I was dreaming!" Everyone laughed and Daddy Bear joined in too.


"Mummy Bear said, "Get dressed soon and wear your hats children. Mimi bring your spade and Bucket.

They quickly got dressed and followed Mummy and Daddy Bear to the beach. "It's safe, the green flags are out and Oh! I see the red and yellow flags too! Let's stay in this area, okay children? It's good that we came early." said Daddy Bear. 

Mimi ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. Cuddly and Poppy waded into the shallow water.


They paddled for a while and lay on the sand and let the waves wash over them slowly.


Mimi started digging up the sand to build her first sand castle. She called out, "Mummy, Daddy, come help me. How do I build a tall tower?" Daddy Bear showed her by piling up the sand and Mummy bear dug out a moat. "Go bring some water Mimi," said Mummy. Mimi said, "I'm scared!"

"Come let me show you how," said Cuddly getting up. He took her gently by the hand and helped her scoop up the water. Just then a wave rolled in over her feet and she moved back spontaneously. Poppy seeing that said, "Mimi you are wearing a life jacket, so you are safe. The water is shallow here, scoop more water from here." Mimi nodded and took a full bucket of water and ran back to her sand tower.

Cuddly said, "yoohoo, can you see me? Look I’m buried in the sand!" Daddy bear laughed.

Poppy said, "Hey Cuddly can you free yourself and come here, I like to try that too!"

Daddy took photographs of the children playing on the beach and wading and of Mummy Bear with her hat and sun glasses, seated on a deck chair and reading a book.


Soon it was time to go back in. "Breakfast is ready," said Ranil, Daddy Bear's friend. "Do get washed up and lets go up to the terrace to eat."

They all quickly showered and changed and joined Ranil's family at breakfast.

 "Good morning children. Please meet my family, this is Amaya, my daughter and this is Shama or Aunty Shama," he said. They all said, "Hello" to each other while Mummy Bear and Daddy Bear shook hands with them.


Mimi looked at the little girl with admiration.  She was wearing a sun-dress with yellow polka dots and her hair was tied in pig tails with yellow ribbons. Mimi ran ahead and sat right next to her. Poppy sat on the other side of her and said, "Hello, I'm Poppy and pointing to Cuddly she said, "And that is Cuddly." Cuddly had sat opposite Amaya. He nodded to Amaya and said," It's very nice to meet you." Mimi kept asking Amaya lots of questions.

Then Aunty Shama said, "You can call me Shama Nandha. Nandha means Aunty in Sinhala. Cuddly tried to pronounce it...""Nan...dhaa," he said. It sounded funny and everyone was amused. That's ok, we will practice saying it later." Shama assured him.

"Come let's eat, you must be all very hungry." she said.  "Yes we are," said Mummy Bear and dished out the toast, and honey/ pancakes and jam and poured the milk for the children.

Mummy and Daddy Bear said, "Let's taste the Sri Lankan breakfast. He served a small portion of 'kiribath and 'seeni sambol.' "This is so good." said Daddy Bear.

Mummy also took something labeled 'hoppers' and 'lunu miris.' "These taste really good," Mummy exclaimed! It's spicy and also a bit sour. There was a pot of treacle. Mummy added a teeny bit of that too. "It tastes so good!" She said.


Soon after breakfast, both the Daddy's and Mummy Bear looked at their itinerary and discussed their next move.

The children were enjoying a nice conversation at the table with each other, when suddenly Amaya said, "Do you know that I am a star." The others wondered what she meant. Then Aunty Shama replied, "Amaya likes to tell her special story whenever she meets new friends. It's something very interesting. Let her tell you.”

"Do tell us Amaya, we want to hear all of it" said Poppy and Cuddly excitedly.

"I'll tell it from the very beginning!" she said. You know my Mummy and Daddy brought me to their home from a Convent.

 "What is that?" asked Mimi. That's a place where Catholic nuns live. And sometimes they have a home where they look after little children. "Do you understand now, Mimi" she asked. Mimi nodded.

"So one day Mummy and Daddy visited this place. They wanted to see all the babies there and then they saw me in a cot in the corner! "Oh she's so small!" exclaimed Mummy. Daddy quickly looked at the kind matron in Charge and said, "She's quite small but can we adopt her?" Mummy thought I was very small . Daddy quickly looked at the kind matron in Charge and said, "She's quite small but can we adopt her?" Matron had known Mummy and Daddy for a long time, she knew I was healthy though I was small and that Mummy and Daddy would be the best parent's for me.

 “So, they signed all the papers and a-d-o-p-t-e-d me!" said Amaya, beaming. Excitedly she continued her story.

"Daddy drove us to Colombo in his new car. Mummy said I was no trouble at all. I slept all the way home. She had strapped me safely in a baby basket with pink blankets.

When we drove in, there were many people waiting for my parent's in our drive-way. They were holding flowers and gifts to welcome us. They all looked happy. I have seen pictures of everyone who was there.

Mummy and Daddy told me they fell in love with me, the moment they saw me! My grandparent's had taken one look at me and had said, "Oh how small and angelic she is!" "It was a great welcome, don't you think? All of them often tell me what a special gift I am to them and give me a hug and kiss!"

"Do your parent's tell you about the day you came home?" she asked Cuddly and Poppy. "Yes, we know we are special in a different way," said Cuddly. Mummy bear told me lots of stories about the time I was born. And Poppy too was thinking of the time her mother had shared similar stories with her.


Poppy said, "Your story is very special Amaya, thank-you for telling us. But I suppose it's different to our stories. Yes our parent's do hug and kiss us a lot and we all hug and kiss each other too. That’s the way to show affection, isn’t it?” That shows that all our parent's love us lots and lots, isn't it Cuddly," she asked. Cuddly gave her a wide grin and a big nod.

"Mummy may I invite my new friends to our home? I can show them my room and my toys?"  Amaya asked "Yes of course!  We will invite them after we return from our holiday." said Aunty Shama.


Mimi had been listening carefully to Amaya. Then she suddenly slid off her chair and ran to Mummy bear and whispered something into her ears. Mummy Bear listened intently to Mimi and assured her, "Yes Mimi you are my little daughter. I will explain Amaya’s story to you again.

Daddy said it was no time to leave Governor's Hotel. "Where are we going now?" asked Cuddly. "We'll be going to see the turtles as planned." said Daddy.

At that Mimi let out her usual squeal! "Baby Turtles, let's go soon Daddy." she said. Poppy smiled and held onto Mimi's hand while the van was being loaded up again for the next part of their trip.


Poppy said, "Did you know that turtles lay eggs late at night?" They furrow deep into the sand on the beach and lay their eggs." Mummy Bear was impressed with Poppy. "How do you know so much about this?" she asked her. "Mummy read it to me from an encyclopaedia." said Poppy. "That's very good." said Mummy bear. Then Cuddly said, "I googled with Daddy Bear's help, and found out that there are 5 different types of turtles, that come ashore Mummy. I'm just waiting to go and see them myself." Mummy said, "Yes, let's go to the hatchery and find out. I’m sure we can find out more about the turtles."

"We are here now in Habaraduwa, please get down carefully, "Uncle Ranil announced. Daddy Bear went ahead and bought tickets to enter the hatchery as the others followed him.

Mimi as usual ran ahead towards the tanks filled with water. There were so many turtles of different sizes and colours. A guide answered all the children's questions.

Cuddly was the first to ask him. "Can you show me a Green turtle please?" "Here they are, they are the most common turtles in Sri Lanka. Come this way please," he said to the others.

"Is this an Olive Ridley?" asked Poppy. "Yes, did you see the colour of its shell? That's how it got its name. And now let me show you the baby turtles." he said.  


 And that's when Mimi squealed again. Amaya laughed and grabbed Mimi's hand and ran towards the Baby turtles. The guide allowed the children to handle the baby turtles gently for a few seconds. "Mimi, here let me show you," said Cuddly. And slowly lifted a baby Green turtle from the tank with his palm. Mimi, Amaya and Poppy did likewise. And put them ever so gently back into the water. 

 "When do you release them to the sea," asked Poppy. "Usually at night, within a few days of hatching/or when they are stronger." he said.


By this time Mummy and Daddy Bear also were nearby listening. Then Daddy asked him, "Where is their nesting ground." The guide pointed to a fenced area on the beach and said, "There it is." "How long do they take to hatch," asked Mummy Bear. The guide said, "Usually just over sixty days. So we have to keep track of the time and protect them from predators. These will be released soon." said the guide, pointing to the tank of baby turtles. If you come back tonight, say around 7 pm, when it’s dark. Then you can see the release of a batch of baby sea turtles." "Okay we'll try to come tonight." said Daddy.

"These other adult turtles you see here are mostly rescues. Once they are treated for their injuries and they heal, we release them back to the ocean.

"What a wonderful time we have had here. We have learned a lot more, haven’t we," said Uncle Ranil. It's time to head back, said Aunty Shama. "Where are we going to now Mummy," asked Amaya. "We are all going to the Galle Fort now for lunch and we will stay there till tomorrow," Aunty Shama explained. But Daddy Bear had plans of returning to watch the release of the baby turtles only with the Cuddly and Poppy.


Everyone had a quiet afternoon. In the evening they walked on the ramparts of the Galle Fort and watched the sunset. And took pictures of the lighthouse. The sky turned a light orange and then darker and suddenly dusk set in. Daddy Bear took lots of pictures of everyone against the backdrop of the lighthouse. And then said, ''Let's head back for a quick dinner." The moment dinner was done, Mummy went up to the room with Mimi. Aunty Shama took Amaya with her. And Daddy bear took us back to the Habaraduwa.


The driver drove us to the beach next to the hatchery. We got there just in time! They had just started to release the baby turtles. There were many guides watching each baby and directing them as most paddled instinctively towards the sea.

"Where's that one going, giggled Cuddly. Poppy also giggling replied,

"Yes where's that one and that one and the other one going?" The guide gave them permission to gently guide the baby turtles to the sea. Cuddly and Poppy slowly kept their palms behind them and nudged them towards the sea. The guide said, "Look, I'm shining this white light so the little fellows can see where they are going." Indeed it was a lovely sight.

 "Wow, this is exciting, I’m glad we got to see all this." said Daddy Bear. Poppy yawned, "Shall we go back now?" Cuddly laughed. "You are tired so soon?" "Yes I am, aren't you?" I think it’s jet lag,” said Poppy. And Cuddly shook his head and said, "Not at all!" He was thinking, I can stay all night watching these babies!

Daddy reminded us that we also had an early start the next day. "Remember you have to wake up early to be at the Mirissa Harbour by 6:30am tomorrow. Don't forget to ask Mummy to set the alarm!

As soon as they returned to their room, Cuddly and Poppy whispered to Mummy Bear about the next day's plan. Mummy Bear assured them, "Everything is ready, go to sleep now, goodnight, I'll wake you up. Don't worry." They quickly washed and changed into their pajamas and got into bed.

Rrriiinnnggg.. that was the alarm again and it wasn't even dawn yet! Both Cuddly and Poppy sat up with a start! This time it was Mummy who laughed out loud and said, "Get up children, we are going whale watching today and we need to get ready soon.'' I'll wake Mimi up and help her to get dressed.

We don't have to worry about breakfast. We will get breakfast and all the snacks on board the boat.

Daddy Bear peeped in and asked, "Are we all ready? Ranil, Shama and Amaya are waiting for us downstairs." Let's go soon we have to be there by 6:30am.

The two families got into the waiting van that would take them to Mirissa. Cuddly yawned and Poppy laughed. Mimi was half asleep and was on Mummy's lap. Amaya was quiet.

We reached the whale watching company at Mirissa near the harbour and Uncle Ranil went in to make the payments and get the update.

After that Nimal, the leader for the whale watching expedition for the day briefed us on what to do and not to do on the boat. They also asked us to take a tablet to avoid motion sickness.

Mummy Bear made sure we were given the correct dosage and we swallowed it with some water.

"Can you hear the waves Poppy?" Cuddly asked. "Yes I can hear the roar. How exciting all this is. We will soon be in the boat! I hope we can see a lot of whales and dolphins today!" "Yes, I sure do hope so," said Cuddly, rubbing his hands together and smiling.

Uncle Ranil helped Amaya and her mother into the boat and Daddy bear helped Mummy Bear and Mimi and then us! We wore our life jackets and our Daddy Bear helped us all to strap them on firmly.


The fun had just begun. Nimal used his megaphone to inform us  whenever they spotted something...he said "we are 28 miles out at sea, we have steered the boat parallel to the coastline as we got a message that there was a school of dolphins and whales in this direction.

Next we heard Nimal shouting into the megaphone and then we saw many bottle nosed dolphins swimming parallel to our boat. Mimi squealed as she saw them jump gracefully out and back into the water. Amaya laughed and clapped her hands. Both the little girls were seated on their parent's laps so they could see out.

Suddenly Poppy pointed to something else in the water and asked. “What is that?" Nimal on hearing that looked her way quickly and said "those are adult Turtles. Today you are so lucky to see them. It is a great day!"

The pilot stopped the boat for a while and then we heard Nimal say loudly....

"Look in the direction of 3' Ó Clock! There you can see the Fin whales, two of them! The boat stopped twice for us to watch them come up and spout water and then go under again.

It's just four hours. We are all very lucky today we had four whale sightings and many dolphins and also turtles and flying fish! That is a bonus," he said. Indeed it was, said Daddy Bear and Uncle Ranil. "We are so happy." said Daddy Bear.  I gave him a big hug and said. "Thank-you Daddy for bringing Poppy and me on this trip, we are so happy." “Yes Uncle, we really,” said Poppy.

Mimi seeing Cuddly hug Daddy, got off Mummy's lap and said," Yes Daddy I’m very happy to be here too and to see all the dolphins, they are very cute!

Why does that man call them bottle nosed Daddy," she asked.

Daddy smiled down at her and explained, Amaya too stood by on a side and nodded her head to everything he said. Mummy Bear and Aunty Shama were very amused.

We rode back in the van after a great morning of whale watching. Uncle Ranil said we were very fortunate to have seen so many dolphins and whales and sea turtles.

The rest of the afternoon Mummy and Daddy Bear got all of us to rest in the hotel. "Let’s make our jigzaw puzzles, said Mimi holding Amaya's hand and walking towards her bed. Poppy said, "I'm going to read my book (it was Mummy kangaroo’s favourite one growing up, she had told Poppy).

Cuddly was curious, "May I see it please? Oh it’s a famous 5 series, I love them. May I also read it after you?" Just then Mummy Bear reminded Poppy that she should call her Mum as promised. Mummy dialed the number for Poppy and handed over the phone to Poppy. Poppy sat on the bed and had a quiet conversation with her parent's and her brother Kyrie for a few minutes. She told them about all the exciting things they had done so far and promised to call them again soon.

Just then Uncle Ranil said, "Children, it's time to go and explore the shops in the Galle Fort and have dinner somewhere nice. Come on down," he said.  Mummy and Daddy Bear agreed. We all held hands and walked through every nook and corner of the Fort.

We looked at the old buildings and the Churches while Uncle Ranil spoke of the history and meaning of the names of each of them.

Next we went into the Museum and looked at all the artifacts and wondered how they even found them.

At the end of that time of exploration, we were all so hungry! Daddy Bear suggested we stop by a popular restaurant and check-out the menu's. Mummy Bear browsed through the menu in place, "Let's go in here," she said. Let’s eat at the "Wayfarer’s Inn" which had the best variety of food.

Ï want a tall glass of mango juice, please Mummy, "shouted Mimi, "Sshh," said Mummy, "You can say it quietly darling Mimi," she said, Cuddly ordered a glass of fresh pineapple and Poppy had the water melon. “Seems like all the walking had made you all quite thirsty,” observed Mummy Bear.

Uncle Ranil treated us to a lovely dinner and we all took the long way back so that we could grab an ice - cream cone from the best gelato place there.

Cuddly asked for a hazelnut flavoured cone and Poppy said, "May I try the "nutcracker" please?" Each of us picked our favourite flavour and slowly walked back to the hotel while enjoying the delicious ice- cream cones and thinking back on the lovely events we enjoyed that day.

 Sequel to Cuddly and Poppy’s Holiday

The Yala Trail begins

The next morning was another rush. "Daddy, how long will it take us to see the wild animals, and what's that place called Daddy?'' said Cuddly.

 "That's Yala, Its about 1-1/2 hours from here.”

Uncle Ranil hurried us all to bring our luggage down quickly. "Let’s go and grab a quick breakfast children," he said and directed us to the dining hall.

Soon we were on our way to Yala. Uncle Ranil said, "I will keep you entertained by telling you a lot of stories of elephants, leopards and bears that I have seen before.

I'm sure if we are all quiet as we travel in the jeep, we will able to see as many wild animals, not so far away from the bungalow. I booked one for us in the deep jungle where all the action is," he told Daddy Bear.

Cuddly was curious, When do the leopards come out, and what about the bears?" he asked Uncle Ranil. He turned around and looked at us and said, "Very early in the morning or at dusk, and if are very lucky and are quiet, we might be able to spot a leopard walking to the water hole. I will wake you all up very early but you must be very silent. The ranger will come with us in his jeep and take us." "Uncle, you must not forget your camera in the morning," said Poppy. “Yes, I must pack it and keep it ready,” he said.


As we entered the park. Uncle Ranil and Daddy bear met the Ranger and he directed us to the bungalow where the jeep was waiting for our first safari inside the park.

Mummy Bear made sure all our luggage was locked up safely in the bungalow before we set -off.

Poppy was intrigued. How soon will we see elephants?” she thought out loud. She had read about the wild elephants. "They are different from the African elephants,” she told Mimi and Amaya. The Asian elephant’s skin is dark. Do you know that the oldest of the females lead the herd?" said Poppy. And pulling out her note-book she read, “The matriarch leads the herd and they move around in herds of 12- 20.

Mummy bear was very impressed with Poppy and said," Good on you Poppy, you have done your homework. Isn't it exciting to learn new things?" Mummy Bear said and everyone nodded.

Elephants on parade

Suddenly, as we turned a corner we had to slow down immediately and come to a halt! "Sshh,"said Daddy, everyone quiet please!" There they were, a herd of wild elephants. The ranger quickly backed up the jeep so as not to disturb them. He said, "There's a baby, so it's not safe to get too close. The mother may get disturbed. So let's wait here till they move across the road and into the thicket." "Yes we saw the baby, Cuddly and Poppy said softly, how cute the baby elephant is!"

As soon as the herd moved, the Ranger then slowly drove past that spot.


 "Look, look peacocks with their feathers fully opened!’’ said Poppy.

"It's beautiful, so blue and shiny, right Mummy," said Mimi. To that Amaya added, "That's a peacock, it's a boy bird, look at him dancing!"

“What a bonus that was!” said Mummy Bear.

 Next Aunty Shama said, "Look, (pointing to the trees) there are so many beautiful jungle fowls, foraging for food. Did you know that they are the national bird of Sri Lanka?" "No, we didn't know that, they also have beautiful coloured feathers," said Mummy Bear.



Daddy pointed to a herd of mean looking buffaloes and said, "They better not be disturbed!" "Yes," agreed Uncle Ranil.

Aunty Shama pointed to the sky to show us a beautiful crested serpent eagle soaring in the sky. “Look it’s swooping down to catch something,” said Cuddly excitedly. “What is it trying to catch? Is it a Lizard?” “It could be, or a snake?” said Uncle Ranil.






As we drove on, the ranger slowed down and stopped near a watering hole. ''There,'' said Uncle Ranil, painted storks, herons and more elephants."

Mimi quickly looked in that direction and was so happy, she whispered, "Mummy, how beautiful those birds are? They have looong legs," Amaya also joined in and said, "Yes they are orange!" ''Those are the painted storks, Uncle Ranil continued.

 "Look how they fly, look, aren't they like a plane taking off?” “They take–off and fly gracefully,” said Poppy and Cuddly in chorus, while observing the way they took off. Those herons are the smaller birds.'' completed Uncle Ranil.

The ranger pointed to the elephants and said, "This is the biggest herd I have seen in weeks. Cuddly started counting them quickly and said, ''I think there are almost 20!''Poppy said. "There look there's a tusker! Mimi and Amaya were glued to the window watching the elephants. Daddy Bear quickly took a photograph of the tusker showering himself with sand. “Mimi laughed and asked “Daddy why does it do that?” and Daddy replied, "Let’s go back to the bungalow and I’ll tell you the answer on the way there.


Let’s do another round trip at dusk. You know why, don't you? ''Yes,'' said all the children. Then Poppy said, ''To spot a leopard!'' And smiled contentedly. “Mummy bear, when I get back I need to call my parent's okay?  "Yes, let's hope we get a signal on the mobile phone." she said.

As we entered the bungalow, we got some delicious aromas. The caretaker cum cook had prepared a scrumptious lunch for us.

Mummy Bear asked him, “What are we having for lunch today, Appu?" “All organic vegetables, coconut sambol and rice.” he said. “I didn't make it spicy as there are children." “That's very thoughtful of you, Appu. said Mummy Bear.

“Children, please wash your hands over there. Come, take your seat here," she said.

We all sat around the huge dining table. Cuddly playfully said, "We are a little tired but a "lottle" happy!" And Mimi let out her usual squeal.

“Now children, off you go for a short nap before we head out again. You can each sleep in a hammock in the verandah.”

As soon as they finished their lunch, the children ran to the verandah

and got into a hammock  each. Cuddly clutching Poppy's famous five book and Poppy with her book of crosswords of animals in the jungle. Mimi and Amaya grabbed their soft toys and asked, Mummy Bear, “will you help us get into the hammock please?” Mummy Bear helped both to get in and before their head went down they were dozing off!

The Dad's took the armchairs and the Mums the rattan couch. It was a cool afternoon in the jungle and the whole tour group had a good siesta!


Suddenly there was a rustling in the trees close to the Bungalow and then there was a crash! Poppy was the first to jump out of the hammock. “What was that?” she asked. “Look it’s the monkeys, they are on the Monkey Business: Sri Lanka To Export 100,000 Toque Macaque Monkeys To  China: A Critical Review Of Implications - Colombo Telegraphtable!” said Cuddly.

Just then Appu came running out of the kitchen, waving his large duster For Appu it was a familiar disruption. He knew how to chase them away. They seemed to recognize him. So they lingered but Appu managed to chase them out and closed the grill door to the dining area.

Cuddly and Poppy were surprised. It was the first time the monkeys had got so close! Let’s help Appu, said Poppy. They took the dust pan and brush and carefully cleared all the broken glass.  Appu took over and cleaned the whole mess up before he set out to lay the tea. “They are the naughty Toque monkeys. They live in this part of the jungle and watch us closely. And move in if the door is open!” he said.

He set the table with a steaming pot of tea. Cuddly said, “Appu, I’ll bring the sugar, cream- crackers and honey, ok?” Poppy brought the jam and toast to the table and Aunty Shama brought the hot fresh milk and poured the milk into the glasses and handed it to the children at the table. They sipped their milk and happily munched the tasty crackers and toast taking turns to slather it with honey first and then jam.

Daddy bear said, "It’s time to leave if we are going to spot the leopard. Here quick, put on your shoes,” he said to Mimi and Amaya. “Cuddly and Poppy, please get your light coat too.”

And off they went in the jeep. It was a bit windy now, the sun was playing hide and seek. Suddenly we came across a clearing and saw the rocks by the sea! It was glistening in the sun, with streaks of orange light.

Mummy almost shouted! "Look on the rocks, look who's there." And there was a leopard sitting and watching the sunset. Uncle Ranil took his camera out and got a clear picture of the leopard on the rocks.

Cuddly and Poppy were awestruck, they stared and stared at the leopard on the rock. Further to the right were a clump of trees.

"Look, he’s going away!” said Cuddly sadly. Just then the leopard decided to move into the trees.


Poppy whispered, "ooooh, I can see why! There, look there's another leopard!" And to their surprise, there was one fellow lying down on the branches. "You know the local rangers have named them. That's Sasha on the rock and that's her son on the tree!” Uncle Ranil told them. The children were delighted that they had names just like them!



Mummy Bear, said, "What a day this has been, thank-you Shama and Ranil for bringing us to Yala. When I get back home, I'm going to print all these photographs and show it to all my friends at the community centre. They will love it!"

“I’m sure they will.” said the most excited Uncle Ranil. “You know, in all the days I've spent in Yala, today has been the best of days. Never have I ever seen so many wild animals in a day! He was thrilled!

That feeling was shared by everyone else too. “I think we can spend one more day enjoying the jungle and see if we can spot a sloth bear. Then we will be the luckiest folks ever!" He continued.

That evening was a quiet one except for the familiar jungle sounds. The loud chirping of small birds as they went to their nests and the honk of peacocks and the high pitched call of the hornbills and the occasional howl of a fox/jackal too.

“I’m feeling very happy, Cuddly,” said Poppy and jumped into bed. “Me too,” Cuddly yawned.  "Goodnight Mummy, Daddy and Mimi, am really sleepy. Goodnight Amaya.”

Mimi and Amaya were side by side sharing a bed. And Amaya rubbed her eyes sleepily too and said, “Goodnight Cuddly, where’s Poppy?”

Mimi raised her head, looked at Poppy, laughed and said, “Poppy is snoring…like you Cuddly.” Cuddly ignored her and though he was a very sleepy bear that night, he did the right thing. He went up to their hosts said, “Goodnight and thank-you to Aunty Shama and Uncle Ranil for the lovely safari so far.” Cuddly was a respectful and polite boy bear.

Daddy and Mummy Bear were the first to wake up the next morning. Steaming cups of tea and coffee and milk were ready at the breakfast table. The sun was slowly rising and Daddy Bear said, "It's time to do a quick run before it becomes too bright."

Guided by Uncle Ranil, Cuddly and Poppy and the rest, mounted the jeep for one last safari to see more animals.

As the Ranger took another turn, there he was a chubby, grey nosed fluffy sloth bear, waving his head about and poking his head into the tall grass. The Ranger told us, “It’s eating the palu fruit that has fallen from the tree. That’s the sloth bear’s favourite!”

We watched “Mr. Sloth bear till he finished eating the palu. “Slurp, slurp,” said Poppy as she could see the bear enjoying its meal.

As we drove on, we came across gentle spotted deer grazing and further up some lazy water buffaloes in a watering hole-(pokuna’s)

pic of water buffaloes


Cuddly was ecstatic, “we have seen so many animals already. Am trying to write everything down in my journal. Look there are so many spotted deer drinking water at the watering hole. See how alert they are!

Look at their eyes! Maybe they think there's danger, said Cuddly. "Yes, that's how they can stay safe from predators." said Daddy. Poppy said, "You mean the crocodiles, don’t you? I don’t want to see them!" "Yes, that's right.

 A crocodile is a predator. Life in the jungle is different to the way we live Poppy, he said. It's called survival of the fittest, where there's always a bigger and stronger animal or bird which will feed on a smaller bird or animal. That’s the way of life in the wild Poppy.

Now that you have seen all of this, let's read more when we get back and I'll explain it to all of you, ok children?" "Yes" they all agreed.

The Ranger took the long way around back to their bungalow to show them more of the birds and monkeys too.

They saw another peacock dancing and this time Mummy Bear caught it on video." It'll be lovely to replay this later.

Let's get back for brunch and head back to Colombo." she said.

Cuddly and Poppy realised that their holiday was nearing the end. So they asked Daddy Bear, "Just how many more days do we have Daddy bear?" Four more days," he said. "I don't think that's enough, isnt it?" said Poppy looking at her itinerary. She had crossed off many but there was one more place to see. "She struggled to pronounce the name. Aunty Shama helped her out, and said it with Poppy.  "E-L-L-A. That's where the nine arch bridge and the famous Ravana Ella is. The story is straight out of a well-known ancient literature, called the Ramayana."*

Amaya and Mimi were napping while the adults decided what they were to do next. The Ranger bid us goodbye at the Park entrance and we transferred all our stuff to the van. Uncle and Daddy Bear looked at roadmaps and told the van driver the final plan.

Uncle Ranil charted the route to Ella and said we can reach our next place before 4pm if we leave now.

Quickly everyone got in. All the children slept till they reached the Villa they were going to spend the next 2 days at.

It was in Bandarawela. Cuddly woke up just as the van drove into the Villa and he woke up Poppy, Mimi and Amaya and said, "hey, take a look.” The driveway was laden with beautiful wildflowers which glistened as dew had settled on them.

Everything was luscious and green. It was very different to Yala where there was more dry ground.

Mimi yawned and stepped out of the van and went straight to the flower bed to pick a flower. Mummy saw that and stopped her. "Mimi darling, we need to ask permission before we pluck anything, okay?" “I will ask them Mummy,” said Mimi.

Daddy bear unloaded the van and took our luggage into the Villa. "Let’s unpack quickly," said Daddy.

We unpacked and played run and catch between the two triple rooms. "Shall we get dressed up, please wear something warm, ok?” said Mummy bear. "Yes, we have already worn our coats Mummy Bear. Shall we go and check if Amaya is ready," said Poppy to Mimi.

"Let's also wear our shoes and take our umbrella's before we set out,” said Aunty Shama, who was holding Amaya by her hand.

We are going to see the view from the Lipton's seat, she said. It gets cold and misty there, so it's best we leave soon."

Along winding roads we drove when Uncle Ranil said, "We are driving up to a tea Estate in Haputale. There's a spot on this estate where a famous Scottish businessman sat to admire the view of his Tea Estate. That's why it's called Lipton's seat!” As we got there, we got out of the van and stood there mesmerized once again by the beauty of the sky against the green rolling hills of the tea plantation! “Wow,” exclaimed the children all together. “It’s so beautiful. This view is spectacular," said Mummy bear.

As Aunty Shama warned us, it was beginning to get misty. Then we rushed back into the van and watched the giant rolls of white mist roll in over the valley below and the sun was playing hide and seek again as we  drove back to the villa. We swayed from side to side as the roads were so windy.

The Villa had prepared a super barbeque. The smell of roasting meat and and garlic bread greeted us. The kind chef had marshmallows for the children to roast and stood by guiding each child as the roasted the marshmallows over the grill.

Nine Arch bridge

The next morning we bundled into the van after a big breakfast and headed for the Ravana Falls. We watched the water thunder down from up above and the spray wet all of us. Mimi giggled as usual and this time Amaya joined her.

We stood there watching the water cascading down in full force.

Uncle Ranil decided to take a photograph of all of us! “Give us a nice smile,” he said and then Aunty Shama and Amaya also joined us for another picture.

Then Daddy Bear carefully lead us down with Uncle Ranil to the spot where we could see the blue morning train going woosh, woosh; woosh woosh, on the Nine Arch bridge. “It’s so toy –like!” exclaimed Cuddly, quick please take a picture of it coming out of the tunnel.” And Uncle Ranil captured a beautiful shot of it. “This bridge was built over a 100 years ago by clever British Engineers.” he said. “This is a magnificent piece of architecture,” said Daddy bear.  “Indeed,” agreed Mamma Bear.

The awestruck Cuddly, Poppy, Mimi, and Amaya just stood there side by side, holding hands watching the train go by. “Have you ever seen something like this?” asked Poppy. “No,” they said in unison.

“This bridge was built over a 100 years ago by clever British Engineers.” said Uncle Ranil. “It is a magnificent piece of architecture,” said Daddy bear.  “Indeed,” agreed Mamma Bear.


“This has been a great holiday and I’m sad we are nearing the end of it,” said Cuddly.

“Wait, have we ticked off everything on our list?” asked Poppy. “No, we have not. But that’s okay. It’s alright to leave a few exciting things to do on our next visit,” said Daddy Bear. “Daddy really, we are coming back? asked Cuddly. “Of course,” said Mummy and Daddy Bear together. Sri Lanka is too beautiful, we must come back!”

Let’s go to back to the Villa now and relax before we head to Colombo tomorrow.

“Don’t forget we have one big party back to go to in Colombo,” said Mummy Bear.

At this moment Amaya’s face lit up and she said, “Yes you must not miss my Birthday party, I’m going to be a big 8!” Mimi let out her usual squeal of delight. A party she thought. That’ll be so nice.

Aunty Shama and Uncle Ranil gave her a big hug and said “”Yes, Grandpa and Grandma are also very excited to meet your new friends.” 

They returned to the Villa and spent their last afternoon in the hills lunching and having tea outside in the tree house.

“It’s sleep-over time! Shouted Cuddly and Poppy in excitement. “Bring your quilts Mimi and Amaya. Put it here next tour bed.” said Poppy.

 That night all the children got permission from their parents to spend an unforgettable night together sharing new stories until they dozed –off.

Early the next morning, they left Bandarawela to be in time for the big party and the last night of their holiday in Colombo.

Pic of Amaya’s 8th Bday cake, Mimi, Cuddly and Poppy flanking her on either side and Grandpa and Grandma and the 2 families, around the cake.


Ramayana-The Ramayana, also known as Valmiki Ramayana, as traditionally attributed to Valmiki, is a smriti text from ancient India, one of the two important epics of Hinduism known as the Itihasas, the other being the Mahabharata. The epic narrates the life of Rama, a prince of Ayodhya in the kingdom of Kosala


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