Eulogy - 2 for Nuala Thevathason 30th Dec 2023
Losing a close friend isn't easy

Thank-you Nuala for enriching my life with all your craziness, antics, love and compassion.
We had so much in common as curve balls were thrown at us in this life, ah didn't we make lemons too!
Your generous heart made room for me, loved me and stood by me through the times we couldn't both understand what was happening to us.
You critiqued me, we disagreed but our friendship stayed intact!
Early last morning, 4 am ish to be precise I woke up to the memory that I had met you before we became arch rivals because of our affinities to our schools.
We first met as yours and my younger sisters- Lara and Jennifer's older sister's 
That memory was so uplifting 'cos it made me realise we knew each other for over 4 decades.

I've shared this amazing bit of buried treasure with Lara too.
If you can see us now, you'll know you have left a legacy big enough, can we fill those shoes?
You keep challenging us even from up above!
Rest easy my dearest friend, you have everything complete where you are now. This morning someone reminded me that you are the lucky one as you've met your creator and we are the wayfarers awaiting our entry into bliss. I'll always cherish every memory and celebrate you in my life too.
I could not have started this year without saying this as you left us so suddenly, long before you were supposed to go! Love you forever my eternal friend.

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